SB Tablet – Herbal Detoxification

An efficient remedy to eliminate toxins, stop constipation and regularize the intestine.
A concoction of herbs known for their laxative effect combined in specific ratios to draw fluid into the intestinal lining and stimulate peristalsis thereby easing bowel movements, often used as a herbal purgative to detox the body and reinstate the normal functioning of our natural detoxification organs such as the liver. This herbal formulation is available in tablet form for your convenience.

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A concoction of herbs known for their laxative effect combined in specific ratios to draw fluid into the intestinal lining and stimulate peristalsis, thereby easing bowel movements, and is frequently used as a herbal purgative to detox the body and restore the normal functioning of our natural detoxification organs such as the liver. For your convenience, this herbal formulation is available in tablet form.

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